visual artist born in Czechoslovakia, lives and works in Bratislava, Slovakia

2004- 2010 VŠVU / AFAD Academy of fine arts and design, Photography and new media department, prof. Milota Havránková
2007 ateliér K.R.E.Z.B.A prof. Popovič
2009 ateliér IN, host prof. Kiss Pál

Awards :
2015 Photo of the year – finalist, VUB foundation
2012 3rd prize winner, Photo of the year, VUV foundatio
2011 NEU/NOW best diploma works selection, Tallin, Estonia
2010 1st prize winner Photo of the year 2010, VUB foundation
2010 AFAD rector´s best diploma works selection, Dom Umenia, Bratislava
2009 Photo of the Year finallist, national competition for emerging photographers, Vub
2009 ESSL AWARD CE finalist
2008 9th. International film festival ART ON! Selection, Bratislava, SR

AiR / Artist in residence:
2021 Schafhof – Europäisches Künstlerhaus Oberbayern / K.A.I.R.
2021 Hájovňa červená studňa, Banská Štiavnica
2018 Nida Art Colony, Nida, Lithuania
2019 Workshop Cieľ kniha—The Book Aim, Fotogram OZ, Banská Štiavnica
2015 Kontexts, Sokolowsko, mikro residency in international festival of efemeral art
2015 Aroundless residency / Meeting in Zdonov, Teplice nad Metuji, Cz
2009 Tesla sommercamp, Accoustic laptops, House of World Culture, Berlin, Germany

Solo exhibitions / selection : 2022 Landscapes, presentation, Nida Art Colony, Nida, Lithuania 2022 Portraits, PUN STU Faculty of architecture and design 2021 It might be beautiful but it´s not, open studio, Schafhof – Europäisches Künstlerhaus Oberbayern, Freising, Germany 2021 Glitters, unicorns, caviar & champagne / umeNIE?, galéria ABC, Bratislava
2021 Feminist project, adaptation of my solo project by Kunst Haus Wien. Museum
2019 Feminist, Off festival Bratislava
2018 Until the light takes us, my friend, Nida Art Colony, Nida, Lithuania
2015 Z l e s a, Žumpa gallery, Bratislava
2015 No man ́s land, SEDF – Middleeuropean house of photography, Bratislava, SR
2012 (Not) Alone, LabOratory gallery Továrenská, Bratislava
2011 Under the surface, ASIL gallery, OFF festival Bratislava, SR
2011 Phobias, Sugiyjama University, Japan
2010 In-divi-dual-i-ty?, project RENTART, Space gallery, I+I, Bratislava
2009 SOm-DO-MA, gallery ExLibris, Midleeuropian house of photography, Bratislava,
2008 IN-DIVI-DUAL-I-TY?, gallery Sherz, Bratislava, SR

Group exhibitions / selection: 2023 Pun, Dni architektúry a dizajnu, SNG, Bratislava 2022 Všetko najlepšie! Nitrianska galéria, Nitra 2022 Into the void, Focus Europe II+lll , Schafhof – Europäisches Künstlerhaus Oberbayern, Freising, Germany
2020-21 Die Schule der Folgenlosigkeit. Übungen für ein anderes Leben” – Museum für Kunst und
Gewerbe, Hamburg, Germany 2020 Month of Photography, 30years photography department AFAD Bratislava, galeria Medium
2020 Pekné kúsky, Pistoriho palác, Bratislava
2019 Moc bezmocných / Reakcia, Kunsthalle Bratislava
2018 Portrait of Slovak Europe, Synthesis gallery, Sofia, Bulgary
2018 Reakcia, Nádvorie Ateliér XIV, Bratislava
2016 Naléhavé světy, F!Festival, Ex Mosilana, Brno, CZ
2015 Month of Photography – „Zo zbierok fotografie“, Roman Fecik gallery, Bratislava
2015 Der Grief: Erik Kessels – Guest room, online exhibition
2015 Play Hooky: Winter Solstice – 4th edition, Oslo, Norway
2015 Photo of the year exhibition, Hviezdoslavovo square, Bratislava
2015 Aroundless, Teplice nad Metuji, CZ
2014 Disambiguation: WinterSolstice 14, Øvre Fossum Gård, Oslo, Norway
2014 50 words, Apart, MHD, Bratislava
2014 Body and soul, Flat gallery, Bratislava
2013 Visual Inspiration & Personal Quests III., Tampere City Hall, Tampere, Finland
2013 Visual Inspiration & Personal Quests II., Estonian national library, Tallin, Estonia
2013 Visual Inspiration & Personal Quests, Riga City Exhibition Hall – Riga Art Space, Riga, Latvia
2013 Photography or painting, Flatgallery, Bratislava
2013 LIE, performance night, Die Piraten, A4, Bratislava
2012 Photo of the Year’2012 finalists exhibition, Hviezdoslavovo námestie, Ba
2012 The picture we live in“, Month of photography, House of culture, SNP, Bratislava
2012 The picture we live in., galerie Usti nad Labem, CZ
2011 NEU / NOW festival, Tallin, Estonia
2011 Youthful medium, 21th Month of photography, House of culture, SNP, Bratislava
2011 Slovak photography, Slovak institut, Moscow, Russia
2011 The spirit of a landscape, synagogue Ivancice, CZ
2011 Photo of the year 2010 – 1st. Prize, exhibition in Main university hall, Bratislava
2011 Praguephoto IV, Manes, Prague, Czech republic
2011 Photo of the year 2010 First prize exhibition, Vub fundation, Main University Library
exhibitions hall, BA, SR
2011 10 x 2, AMU gallery, Prague, CZ
2011 PRAGUEPHOTO IV., Manes, Prague, CZ
2011 We ll show you, Aula gallery, Brno, CZ
2010 YEASTY MEDIUM / slovak photography 1990-2010, Month of photography, House of Arts
2010 Young Art Show III., DK Piešťany, Slovensko
2010 Selection of best AFAD diploma works, House of Arts, Bratislava, SR
2010 Phobias, AFAD diploma works, Midleeuropian house of photography, Bratislava, SR
2010 PRAGUEPHOTO III., Exhibition Hall Manes, Prague, CZ
2010 Century of a woman, eské Budejovice, CZ
2010 Photo of the year 09, slovak nominees exhibition, Vub fundation, Main University
exhibitions hall
2010 En face / focused on contemporary portrait, Nitra gallery, Bunker, Nitra, SR
2010 Century of a Women, Gallery PF01, Bratislava
2010 Preview, 20 years of AFAD photography department, Central Slovakian Gallery Betlen, BB
2010 Fear and freadom, Solnice gallery, České Budejovice, CZ
2009 ESSL AWARD CEE 2009, Nominees Exhibition, Gallery Medium, Bratislava,
2009 10th International film festival, students videoart ART ON!, Aupark, Ba, SR
2009 Slovak specialities, Gallery Opera, Divadlo Jiriho Myrona, Ostrava, CZ
2009 Accoustic laptops, Haus der Kulturen der welt, Berlin, Germany 2009 photo projection “Cont/act dis/connected”, Bratislava Photomaraton, SR
2009 Young art show II, Dom umenia, Piešťany, SR
2009 Thriller, gallery na Chodbe , AFAD, Bratislava, SR
2009, Workshop, gallery Na Chodbe, AFAD, Bratislava, SR
2009 Contemporary art – yes / no?, Dom Matice Slovenskej, SR 2008 Black Box, Gallery PF01,
2008 Art on, 10th international film festival, Aupark, Bratislava, SR
2008 V koži A.B., gallery Sherz, Bratislava, SR
2008 project DezArtAttax ll, site specific infiltration, Berlinbiennale, Berlin, Nemecko
2008 Ateliér o fotografii”, PF01 gallery, Bratislava, SR
2008 50 words, MHD, Bratislava, SR 2008 International film festival Early melons, VideoArt,
Bratislava, SR
2007 9th international film festival, Art on, Aupark, Bratislava, SR
2007 Portraits, Liptov gallery of P.M. Bohun, Liptovský Mikuláš, SR
2007 Diploma bachelor works, Open Gallery, Bratislava, SR
2007 Talents, Zahorie Gallery Senica, SR
2007 DJ Profil, Oravská gallery, Orava, SR
2007 Human nature, Franciscan chapel, Bratislava, SR
2006 2 x rituál, Open gallery, Bratislava, SR

2010 – 2014 coorganizer and curator in OFF festival Bratislava, festival for young emerging
2010 – En face / focused on contemporary portrait, curatorial project, Bunker, Nitragallery, SR

web: www.

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