by ada | Feb 3, 2020 | news
by ada | Nov 1, 2019 | news
Opening: 31. 10. 2019, 18:00 Exhibition: 31. 10. – 15. 11. 2019 Where: OD DUNAJ, Námestie SNP 30, Bratislava2nd, 3rd floors
by ada | Nov 1, 2018 | news
The Central European House of Photography is the unofficial name of the FOTOFO foundation, the first and most important institution that began to pursue and develop an independent photographic culture in Slovakia after November 1989. For 27 years, the institution...
by ada | Oct 11, 2018 | news
SYNTHESIS Gallery presents PORTRAIT OF SLOVAK in EUROPE photographic exhibition 13 September – 08 October 2018 Opening: 13 of September, 7 pm with attendance of the curator Branislav Stepanek and artists The exhibition shows, how the young and mid-career Slovak...
by ada | Oct 10, 2018 | news
17:00 – Andrea Juneková – Until the light takes us, my friend, Nida Art Colony, Open studios, Taikos g. 43, Nida 93121, Litva Supported using public funding by Slovak Art...